

英漢字典: go forward

1. advance前進

    The captain has asked all the sailors to go forward so that he can speak to them in a group. 船長讓水兵們向前靠攏,以便對他們講話。

2. continue with sth. planned;proceed繼續進行

    The headmaster gave us permission to go forward with our teaching plan. 校長允許我們繼續執行教學計劃。

    The work is going forward at a satis factory pace. 工作正以令人滿意的速度進行著。

3. be sent further for approval by sb. 被提請…核準

    Your name will go forward to the committee when they are considerring the new appointments. 在委員會考慮新的任命人選時,你的名字將被提交上去。

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